17 Private Label Supplements That Are Flying off the Shelves

Starting your own supplement brand is a big decision, and if you want to be successful, you’ll have to know what customers are buying. On average, consumers take six different supplements daily to manage their health and wellness, and some supplements are purchased more frequently than others. The most popular vitamin according to consumerlabs.com right now is Vitamin D. It usually runs a close second to probiotics, but the FDA increased its daily recommended dose pushing it to the top of the charts of most purchased supplements.


The main source of vitamin D is sun exposure. Office jobs and increased protection from the sun make vitamin D deficiencies pretty common in the United States. Consumers are reaching for supplements to improve their mood and maintain bone health.


The main source of vitamin D is sun exposure. Office jobs and increased protection from the sun make vitamin D deficiencies pretty common in the United States. Consumers are reaching for supplements to improve their mood and maintain bone health.


Vitamin B complex helps with nerve health, improves brain function and help in the conversion of food into energy.


Most Americans have a magnesium deficiency, and it can cause muscle spasms, low energy, sleeping problems and increased anxiety. A supplement can reduce these symptoms by providing the daily recommended dose.


Turmeric is an ingredient in curry spice found commonly in Indian-style dishes. Curcumin is a component of Turmeric. Together these two help fight inflammation and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that help people with high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The supplement can also help reduce symptoms of depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, arthritis and eczema.


Healthy hair, skin and nails begin with collagen. Deficiencies in collagen are the leading cause of wrinkles and sagging skin. Since collagen naturally depletes with age, a supplement helps maintain levels.


Lutein and Zeaxanthin are antioxidants located in the eye that work to block harmful high-energy blue wavelengths of light. Western diets typically do not provide enough of this antioxidant, and the body doesn’t make it naturally, which is why so many reach for a supplement to maintain eye health.


A daily vitamin that covers all the basics is a cornerstone of good health. Half of all Americans regularly take their multivitamins, and many are looking for a brand that provides them exactly what they need.


A calcium deficiency can lead to anything from dry skin to increased irritability. Consumers take a daily supplement for heart, bone and nerve health.


Americans wanting a good night sleep will reach for melatonin before a prescribed sleep aid. Jet lag, caffeine and alcohol can cause a deficiency, and a supplement can put the body back on track.


Everyone knows orange juice is a great source of vitamin C, but a supplement can provide an added boost to keep the immune system in tip-top shape. It’s an important supplement, especially during the cold and flu seasons.


Green tea offers plenty of great benefits including weight loss, improved brain function and a lower risk of cancer. However, not everyone wants to drink a bitter cup of green tea (or a cup with too much sugar), so a supplement provides the benefit in an easy-to- take capsule.


A zinc deficiency can lead to poor night vision, a reduced ability to fight infections or a reduced sense of taste or smell.


Fiber helps maintain bowel health, lowers blood sugar and it’s a great way to maintain or achieve a healthy weight.


Vitamin K regulates normal blood clotting in the body. Individuals suffering from alcoholism, chronic malnutrition or a disorder that prevents proper vitamin absorption in the body might have a vitamin K deficiency, and a supplement can prevent symptoms like excessive bruising or increased bleeding from cuts.


Milk thistle is commonly used as a natural treatment to maintain liver health. The active ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin, which serves as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

If you’re ready to create your own supplement brand, schedule a time for a discovery meeting to talk about your product idea…or send a quick message to us at [email protected].